The truly justified sinner ought to be the most confident person on earth. If we are a child of God, our greatest problem has been dealt with. We can stand…
Here is a doxology: praise from man to God in response to His blessings. Paul praises God as the One able to strengthen; He sustains His people to the end.…
Greetings are sent from eight individuals, showing that Paul was not alone in the work of the gospel. If we try to do everything ourselves we will wear ourselves out.…
Having greeted this lovely congregation, Paul warns them to watch out for those who cause divisions. This shadow hangs over every church. Anyone teaching contrary to fundamental doctrine should be…
Here is a command to visibly communicate our inward love in the church, and an encouragement to work hard, whatever our gifts. Rufus is described as chosen in the Lord,…
Some of these people Paul greets may have been in Caesar's household. We can give thanks that God has His people in unlikely places. Things went well for Esther, and…
Paul greets Epaenetus, the firstfruits of conversions in Asia. Do we pray for conversions? Mary worked hard. Does what we do please the Lord? Andronicus and Junia were fellow prisoners…
Paul sends greetings to Aquila and Prisca. Fellow tentmakers, they were of assistance to him in Corinth, allowing him to preach the gospel. God puts us in places where we…
Paul tells the Romans to be excited about a visitor, Phoebe. Christians should be excited getting to know other Christians. Phoebe was remembered for helping and supporting Paul and others.…
Sunday Morning Service 17/09/23 - James Allan Romans 15:30-33 "Peaceful Plans"