Glory to God alone. We have done nothing; it's all of Him. Martin Luther saw that the sphere in which God is to have all the glory is a wide…
Things that thrilled us as young Christians can become mundane. For Paul it was unthinkable that a Christian could continue in sin. Because He died to sin and we are…
In Christ, believers have righteousness. To come to Christ is to rest; we no longer have to prove what kind of people we are. Christ receives our debt and we…
Grace has nothing to do with works. It is pride that prevents people from accepting the message of Christ. There is a passive nature to salvation; we contribute nothing. Many…
None of us can appear before God and claim to be worthy. Martin Luther was taught that salvation depended on performance and he had a deep anxiety of the soul.…
Martin Luther's rediscovery of the Bible brought him excitement but others were unmoved and he was condemned to death. Preachers need to preach passionately but still more is needed. The…
Martin Luther's passion was for the truth of the Bible to be declared. There are depths to the Scriptures that we can never plumb. The words of the Bible are…