The Passion, Cleansing Power, and Command of the Saviour
June 3, 2018

The Passion, Cleansing Power, and Command of the Saviour

Passage: Mark 1:40-45
Service Type:

Bible Text: Mark 1:40-45 | Preacher: Sam Oldridge | This physical healing is a picture of spiritual healing. As far as God is concerned we are all infected with the loathsome disease of sin. Against this dark background we see the brightness of the glory of Christ. He was moved with compassion and the leper was cleansed. Every sinner who comes in repentance and faith will be saved. Jesus warned the man not to tell anyone. Jesus wanted people to know the good news of the gospel, not be side-tracked with mere physical healing. His disobedience hinders Jesus’ ministry. We must live a life of obedience.