Jesus Christ both opens and shuts doors. He opens the door to God - the only true way - but there will come a day when He shuts because it…
Ananias was told that Paul was God's instrument to preach to the gentiles and kings, and here he is before King Agrippa. We should take opportunities to speak for Jesus.…
Enoch lived, having a fallen human nature, and would have expected to die. He was not superhuman but something supernatural happened to him, and he did not die. The difference…
Christ promises to hold His people firmly, secure to the end. He is the Good Shepherd and makes clear who His sheep are: they have saving faith, listen to His…
"Jesus wept" are beautiful words. Here is proof of His humanity by which He sympathises with us and intercedes for us. Yet unlike us, He did not sin. He is…
Nebuchadnezzar had made a remarkable decree but hadn't repented. God is gracious in continuing to call, and sends him a disturbing dream. When we are troubled, the Christian has assurance…
The Shunammite woman was wealthy but put her wealth to good and Godly use. She is an example of hospitality. When her son dies she wastes no time in going…
What became of the peace angels announced to the shepherds? There has been little peace on earth ever since. The shepherds were terrified because of the glory of God that…
God wanted a people He could delight in but they were wild vines, and so He sent His Son, the true vine. To be His people we must be connected…
It was a dark diagnosis for Judah. The result of sin is misery, and Jeremiah mourns. However, there is a promising prescription. Gilead was nearby to them, so why were…