This verse allows us to respond to our accuser. There is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus because He died and is risen. Because He died, as payment has…
Paul asks who will bring accusations against God's elect. It's not that there are no charges against us. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin to bring us to repentance but…
Justification was the theme of the first four chapters of Romans. In the chain of salvation in these verses we see that those who are called are also justified; in…
It's obvious that something isn't right in the world. There is great beauty and complexity to creation, and beauty to human experience, but this is set against the sadness of…
Paul says the same thing three times in the same verse; it must be important! Justification is being treated "just as if" we never sinned, but that's only half the…
What are the implications of justification by faith in Jesus Christ? In verse 2 we see two more things that follow faith in Christ. We have strength for today and…
The first word is "therefore"; Paul builds on what he had said before about justification but it is also clearly a new section, dealing with the implications. What are the results…
God puts the righteousness of Christ in our empty account. Abraham laughed when he heard the promise. Some might laugh at the thought of God forgiving them. Faith is being fully…
A real righteousness was credited to Abraham's account. We don't thank our employer for our wages as if they are a gift. Our wage is our due but justification is…
Everyone has a burden of sin but there is great hope. In Greek, the words for righteousness and justified are closely related. To be justified is to be declared right.…