Christ was alone on the road to Calvary, and also facing the hatred of the crowd. We see the Father's love for Him in the provision of Simon to carry…
Mark presents us with witnesses to the fact that Jesus died. The Roman centurion had never seen anyone die like this before, with victory and peace. The second witnesses are…
There is something positive and awesome about Jesus' last cry that leads the centurion to conclude He was the Son of God. It was a cry of accomplishment and completion:…
The meaning of the supernatural darkness on the cross is obvious. There is undeniable evidence in the Bible. This is about the wrath of God. Jesus takes the judgement for…
On the cross, Jesus is mocked by all of society, rejected as prophet, priest and king, thus fulfilling prophecy. The evidence they ask for of His being the Messiah is…
Mark doesn't go into the details of the physical agony of the crucifixion but does mention the humiliation of Jesus' clothes being divided by the soldiers, and His dying naked.…
Jesus was fully conscious in the place where He died. He refused the drink that would have dulled His senses and accepted the one that would keep Him conscious for…
Abraham was called out of Ur by God, as He calls people today. The Christian is similarly called to leave their old life behind, and as Abraham was promised an…
The events of the crucifixion were horrifying but the true realities are spiritual not physical. There was darkness and dereliction as the judgement of God fell on His own Son.…
Why does Paul boast in the cross? We find it almost impossible to accept that we are unworthy but the cross makes it clear; if we were worthy the cross…